
I often get asked how I programmed a sigil generator like Trinary: The Magick Web-App, so here is a very basic triangular sigil generator as a bare-bones example. It will give you an idea how use JavaScript to draw lines to different coordinates based on a string of letters you input.

You can right click this doc and select "view source" or "inspect" or something like that (depending on your browser) to see how the code draws the lines based on your input.

You can also save this file to your drive, view it in your browser, and edit it in notepad. However if you are serious about learning to code, you should really install a better editor for this such as Visual Studio Code which is free, and MUCH better than using notepad.

Google, w3schools, and stackoverflow are gonna be some of your best friends if you are teaching yourself to code like I did.

Have fun!

Type your intent here:

Example numerology:
1 2 3
a b c
d e f
g h i
j k l
m n o
p q r
s t u
v w x
y z

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